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How it Works
On hand quantities are updated with daily dispensing data to create an accurate view of on hand quantities across all generic product categories and stores.
Workflow tools are designed to allow for quick and easy transfers to higher volume stores or to create returns back to the supplier.
The solution is designed to easily integrate with your existing pharmacy management systems and processes causing the least disruption while delivering superior value.
View our other products
OI Replenish™
Most pharmacies lack the tools and visibility to accurately manage their inventory and instead rely on inconsistent methods of setting quantities and re-order points.
OI Count™
Count™ establishes a data-driven and consistent methodology that selects specific inventory items for physical count and distributes these work orders to each store on a periodic basis.
OI Analyze™
Analyze™ is a powerful cloud based analytics engine that easily integrates with a pharmacies existing systems to provide advanced reporting at a reasonable price.
Want to know more about our products?
Mark Lyle
VP, Product and Operations
(615) 800-4750
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